I believe everyone must invest in a nice pair of sneakers with a bit of platforms. It is really a must in these times where we are running of errands and being casual. This is why every women need a pair of sneakers in her wardrobe even though a pair of heels would obviously be looking more beautiful, it would not make the job for long walks. We need to be realistic a pair of sneakers would make much more the deal to be at ease enough during your day. As these sneakers may be part of your everyday routine, we need a pair of sneakers that can blend with most of our wardrobe.

1. What you should avoid?

  • Avoid running shoes or any type of sport shoes: Running shoes are not shoes to wear with your casual outfits and they should only be worn for sport activities because they tend to decrease your appearance. Instead a nice pair of sneakers in textile or other good fabric may give a better final touch to a look.

2. What you should opt for?
  • Opt for a sneaker with a bit of platform: it is regular sneakers with a bit heels to feel longer and taller. You should avoid the running shoes.
  • Opt for neutral colors: You should invest in light colors such as a white pair of sneakers that can match all your outfits. Eventually a beige pair of sneakers or in any other neutral color is making the deal. even if you are afraid of these and end up dirty. 
  • Choose a monochrome pair of sneakers: if you don’t own any pair of nice sneakers, I recommend purchasing a monochrome pair of sneakers so that you can pair it really easily with any items. Afterwards you can obviously experiment with a bit of color once you extend your pair of sneakers.
  • Less is more: choose a pair of sneakers that is minimalistic without garments such as gold details or other as it tends to deepen the appearance of the sneaker and make it look cheaper.


I linked below all the sneakers I recommend purchasing if you’re on a budget so that you can look at it and see the ones that would suit you the best. These are from the following italian brands.

  • Superga
  • Date
  • Lemaré


You can find more content about shoes in this post.

White platform sneakers Macrame | Superga
White sneakers with plattform | Superga

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