Get a blow-dry 

We often underestimate how a blow-dry is an instant booster to your confidence. However, if you think about the last time you went to the hairdresser, I am sure you remember this feeling of being irresistible with your professional blow-dry. Invest in professional blow-dry and this will make a big difference on the way you perceive yourself.

Get your nails done

Getting a manicure has a real impact on your mental but not only. It helps you unwind, reduce stress and promote relaxation. Having well-groomed nails can boost self-esteem and self-confidence. Indeed, taking care of your nails give a feeling of cleanliness and order which is key to boost ourselves. Also, have you ever notice that men tend to pay attention to a good manucure because your nails should be polished from head-to-toe. Especially when you wear rings it looks put together and manicuring is also the perfect activity to be creative and express yourself. These two will inevitably boost your confidence as a woman. 

Wear a colourful outfit 

We often underestimate how wearing colour is impactful on our mental. In these days, where people tend to wear black everyday, wearing colourful clothes have a huge impact on the way we see things. And as every other woman out here is wearing black, wearing a colour will make your outfit stand out and that will definitely improve your own confidence.

Adopt a good posture 

Adopting good posture definitely has an impact on our confidence for several reasons. Firstly, an upright and open posture transmits an impression of confidence and self-assurance to others. Secondly, correct posture promotes the circulation of oxygen, which can improve our energy and state of mind. Thirdly, standing up straight and facing people we cross make us feel stronger and powerful which definitely uplift self-esteem. And you know what? An upright posture influence our own self-perception which is key to self-confidence. 

Be confident 

This might sound silly, but yes feeling confident in yourself is key to your well-being and for your surroundings. And even if it seems like a journey to get this self-confidence, fake until you make it! yes definitely appear as confident as possible while you’re working on it because whenever you manifest what you want to be it will attract it. Obviously, being self-confident require many elements but you can 

it’s an ongoing journey: accepting yourself, not striving for perfection, accept your flaws, become comfortable with who you are saying you don’t have to play a role to please others.

Being comfortable in your own skin and knowing your worth, isn’t the best feeling for yourself and the one you want to spread?

By yourself flowers 

Buying flowers for yourself is a way of pampering yourself and taking care of yourself. It sends a message that we deserve to be treated with kindness and attention, which boosts our self-esteem. Buy your favorite flowers and your feminine energy will just flow. 

Go for a walk in nature 

Being immersed within our biggest blessing, the nature, truly help us feel more grounded and connected to ourself. Accomplishing a walk in nature fosters a sense of empowerment and achievement. The reflective environment of nature offers perspective and clarity, bringing confidence. Appreciating the natural beauty reinforces self-worth and uniqueness, contributing to a boost in self-confidence.

My colourful suit is linked below. 


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