Here are 5 reasons why you should dress elegantly while staying true to your own personal style:
1. To stand out
Nowadays, people are worried to be different and concerned about not belonging to a group. That’s why they may end up be like everyone else. However, in a word full of “revealing too much” type of fashion, by standing out from what does this crowd out here and there, you can distinguish yourself. When you choose to dress elegantly, you stand out from this crowd and that’s what will elevate you. Elegance in this case simply means, we don’t seem desperate for people attention and we dress up to respect ourselves.
2. For your career success
Elegance might also impact your career life. Indeed, people will take you more seriously if you dress in an elegant way and this means you have higher chance to succeed. The way you dress communicate a message which is how you see yourself and how you treat yourself. By dressing elegantly, your social status will rise automatically because people will treat you with respect.
The issue is real. Women are worried to become elegant bc they connect elegance with the stereotype equaling being old fashion which equals looking boring. These stereotypes are wrong. there is not one format to Elegance. comes in all sizes, shapes. You can adapt elegance to your culture and your personal style.
3. It shows your standards
Not only the way you dress may drive you to success, it also shows where you put your own standards. Defining your standards and the way you want to live your life is key for a happy and fulfilled life.
4. Elegance includes many different styles
People always connect elegance with a certain style that is too restrictive and might look boring and this is totally wrong. Elegance comes in so many variations that you don’t have to restrict yourself. It can perfectly be matching with your culture, your preferences, your background and your personal style. It is only up to you to define which type of elegant you want to be.
You can find more about elegance in my post Casual sneakers to look elegant on a budget.